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The Home of Nutrition and Quality

Dr Smood is a place where health and well-being are of the highest priority. We want to guide and inspire you to make better food choices so you can feel empowered to become the best version of yourself. We are serving a community of health-conscious individuals who understand that health is the real wealth.

A close-up of a pile of sun-dried tomatoes, showing their wrinkled skin and vibrant red color. The tomatoes are still attached to their green stems, highlighting their freshness despite being dried.

Smood is a portmanteau, a blend of the words Smart and Food. Like brunch(breakfast + lunch) or spork (spoon + fork). Think of Smood as synonymous with sustainable, nutritious and delicious food.

A woman lying on grass in workout attire, holding a Dr Smood Smart Meal bottle in one hand and a Dr Smood Smart Meal Vanilla Cinnamon box next to her. The sun is shining, creating a relaxed outdoor setting focused on health and wellness.

"We never sacrifice on quality, nutrition and taste - and neither should you"

Quote from founder, Rene Sindlev

A close-up of a person biting into a piece of a Smart Snack bar, showing their teeth and lips

Sourcing is a practice.

Rigorous sourcing is the key to achieving optimal nutrition and quality. Sourcing from farms that follow the rightful practices to preserve the soil, crops, and seasonality will ensure increased nutrient density in the ingredients and a sustainable future for the planet and generations to come.

A black and white photo of a women's basketball team gathered around their coach, who is kneeling and holding a box labeled 'Dr Smood.' The players, wearing vintage uniforms, are intently focused on the box as they stand in a gymnasium.

Our Experts

Monia CarammaCertified nutritionist and sustainable food researcher
Francisco RodriguezRecognized biochemist and formulator
Matteo UgolottiMulti-awarded chef with 25+ years of culinary experience

Follow us

We're not only interested in the most nutritious ingredients but also in where they come from. The story behind our menu is curated to support both local farmers and external small businesses.